新英和大辞典 メニュー 

a   ante (=before)
abl.   ablative
acc.   accusative
a.d.   Anno Domini
adj.   adjective
adv.   adverb
AF   Anglo-French
Afr.   African
Afrik.   Afrikaans
Akkad.   Akkadian
Alb.   Albanian
Am.   American
&   and
Arab.   Arabic
Aram.   Aramaic
Assyr.   Assyrian
attrib.   attributive
aug.   augmentative
Austral.   Australian
auxil.   auxiliary
Aves.   Avestan
b.   born
b.c.   before Christ
Braz.   Brazilian
Brit.   British
c   circa (=about)
C   century
Canad.   Canadian
Cant.   Cantonese
caus   causative
Celt.   Celtic
cf.   confer (=compare)
Chin.   Chinese
cog.   cognate
compar.   comparative
conj.   conjunction
Corn.   Cornish
Croat.   Croatian
d.   died
Dan.   Danish
dat.   dative
dim.   diminutive
Du.   Dutch
E   English
EAfr.   East African
eccl.   ecclesiastical
e.g.   exempli gratia (=for example)
Egypt.   Egyptian
etc.   et cetera (=and so on)
F   French
fem.   feminine
Finn.   Finnish
fl.   flourished
Flem.   Flemish
Frank.   Frankish
freq.   frequentative
Fris.   Frisian
fut.   future
G   German
Gael.   Gaelic
gen.   genitive
ger.   gerund
Gk   Greek
Gmc   Germanic
Goth   Gothic
Hawaii.   Hawaiian
Heb.   Hebrew
Hung.   Hungarian
Icel.   Icelandic
IE   Indo-European
i.e.   id est (=that is)
imper.   imperative
impers.   impersonal
Ind.   Indian
indic.   indicative
inf.   infinitive
instr.   instrumental
int.   interjection
Ir.   Irish
Iran.   Iranian
irreg.   irregular
It.   Italian
Jav.   Javanese
Jpn.   Japanese
L   Latin
Latv.   Latvian
LG   Low German
LGk   Late Greek
Lith.   Lithuanian
LL   Late Latin
masc.   maculine
MDu.   Middle Dutch
ME   Middle English
Mex.   Mexican
MF   Middle French
MGk   Medieval Greek
MHeb.   Medieval Hebrew
MHG   Middle High German
Mish.Heb.   Mishnaic Hebrew
ML   Medieval Latin
MLG   Middle Low German
ModGk   Modern Greek
ModHeb.   Modern Hebrew
n.   noun
N-Am.-Ind.   North American Indian
neut.   neuter
NGk   Neo-Greek
NHeb.   Neo Hebrew
NL   Neo-Latin
nom.   nominative
Norw.   Norwegian
obl.   oblique
ODu.   Old Dutch
OE   Old English
OF   Old French
OHG   Old High German
ON   Old Norse
ONF   Old Norman French
orig.   originally
OS   Old Saxon
OSlav.   Old Slavonic
pass   passive
perf.   perfect
pers.   person
Pers.   Persian
pl.   plural
Pol.   Polish
Port.   Portuguese
p.p.   past participle
pred.   predicative
pref.   prefix
prep.   preposition
pres.   present
pres.p.   present participle
pret.   preterite
pron.   pronoun
Prov.   Provencal
Rum.   Rumanian
Russ.   Russian
S-Am.-Ind.   South American Indian
Sc.   Scottish
Scand.   Scandinavian
Sc.-Gael   Scottish Gaelic
Sem.   Semitic
Serb.   Serbian
Siam.   Siamese
sing.   singular
Skt   Sanskrit
Slav.   Slavonic
Sp.   Spanish
subj.   subjunctve
suf.   suffix
superl.   superlative
Swed.   Swedish
Syr.   Syriac
Toch.   Tocharian
Turk.   Turkish
v.   verb
var.   variant
vi.   intransitive verb
VL   Vulgar Latin
voc.   vocative
vt.   transitive verb
W-Ind.   West-Indies
WS   West Saxon
Yid.   Yiddish

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