A |
| abeunt studia in mores (L) One's habitual pursuits pass over into character; use is second nature. — Ovid, Heroides 15: 83. |
| abiit ad plures [majores] (L) He [She] has gone to the majority; He [She] is dead. |
| ab incunabulis (L) from the cradle; from the childhood — Livy, Ab Urbe Condita 4: 36. |
| a bisogni si conoscon gli amici (It.: friends are known in time of need) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (cf. au besoin…) |
| bon chat, bon rat (F: to a good cat, a good rat) tit for tat; retaliation in kind. |
| ab ovo usque ad mala (L: from the egg to the apples) from beginning to end — Horace, Satirae 1: 3: 6-7 (昔のローマの宴席では食事は卵で始まり果物で終わったのにちなむ; cf. 本文 ab ovo). |
| absens haeres non erit (L: the absent one will not be the heir) Out of sight, out of mind. |
| absit omen (L: let there be no omen) Let there be no bad things. (cf. 「つるかめつるかめ」) |
| ab uno disce omnes (L: from one (offense), learn all (the race)) From one example you may know the rest. — Virgil, Aeneis 2: 65-66 (cf. ex pede Herculem; ex ungue leonem; ex uno disce omnes). |
| a buon vino non bisogna frasca (It.) Good wine needs no bush. (cf. vino vendibili…) |
| abusus non tollit usum (L: abuse dose not destroy the use) Abuse is no argument against proper use. (「濫用はその使用を廃せず」の意) |
| acerrima proximorum odia (L) The hatred of those nearest (to us) is the bitterest. — Tacitus, Historiae 4: 70. |
| ad astra per aspera (L) to the stars through hardships (米国 Kansas 州のモットー; cf. Seneca, Hercules Furens 437). |
| adhuc sub judice lis est (L: the case is still before the court) The dispute is still pending. — Horace, Ars Poetica 78. |
| ad Kalendas [Calendas] Graecas (L: at the Greek calends) never — Suetonius, Augustus 87 (⇒本文 Greek calends). |
| ad majorem Dei gloriam (L) to the greater glory of God — Gregorius Magnus, Dialogi 1: 2 (イエズス会のモットー; 略 AMDG). |
| adunaton oun polla tekhnmenon anthrpon panta kals poiein (Gk) It is impossible for a man who attempts much to do everything well. —Xenophon, Cyropaedia 8: 2: 5. |
| ad unguem (L: to the fingernail) exactly; to nicety — A. C. Celsus (大理石の滑かさを爪で試したことから; ↓). |
| ad unguem factus homo (L: man polished to the nail) a perfect gentleman —Horace, Satirae 1: 5: 32 (homo factus ad unguem ともいう; ↑). |
| ad vitam aut culpam (L: for life or fault) during good behavior; till some misconduct is proved (Scotland の法律用語). |
| advocatus diaboli (L: devil's advocate) a carping [adverse] critic (弁護する方は advocatus Dei という). |
| aegrescit medendo (L: it [he] becomes worse from the very remedies employed) The remedy is worse than the disease. (cf. Virgil, Aeneis 12: 46) |
| aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem (L) Remember to keep an even mind in difficulties. — Horace, Odae 2: 3: 1 (cf. mens aequa…). |
| aetatis suae (L) of [at] his [her] age. |
| afflavit Deus et dissipantur (L) God breathed, and they are dispersed. (アルマダ海戦 (1588) の戦勝記念メダルに刻まれた句) |
| agnsti thei (Gk) to the unknown God — Acts 17: 23. |
| aide-toi et Dieu [le ciel] t'aidera (F) Help yourself and God [Heaven] will help you. — La Fontaine, Fables 6: 18. |
| la franaise [la grecque, l'anglaise, l'espagnole] (F) in the French [Greek, English, Spanish] style. |
| la Tartuffe (F: like Tartuffe) hypocritically (Molire の喜劇 Le Tartuffe (1664) の偽善的な主人公にちなむ). |
| alieni appetens, sui profusus (L) covetous of another's possessions, lavish of his [one's] own. — Sallust, Catilina 5: 4. |
| aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus (L) (Even) good Homer sometimes nods. (cf. quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus) |
| alis volat propriis (L) She [He] flies with her [his] own wings. (米国 Oregon 州のモットーの一つ) |
| alter ego est amicus (L) A friend is another self. |
| alteri sic tibi (L) (do) to another as to thyself (cf. Matt. 7: 12). |
| amantes amentes (L) Lovers are lunatics. — Terence, Andria 1: 3: 13; Plautus, Mercator Prol. 81. |
| amantium irae amoris integratio [redintegratio] est (L) Lovers' quarrels are a renewal of love. — Terence, Andria 3: 3: 23. |
| amare et sapere vix deo conceditur (L) To love and to be wise is scarcely granted (even) to a god. (cf. amar y saber…) |
| amari aliquid (L) some touch of bitterness — Lucretius, De Rerum Natura 4: 1134. |
| amar y saber no puede ser (Sp.) No one can love and be wise at the same time. (cf. amare et sapere…) |
| a mensa et t(h)oro (L) from table [board] and bed (⇒本文 divorce a mensa et thoro). |
| amicus certus in re incerta cernitur (L) A certain friend is recognised in uncertain [adverse] circumstance. — Ennius (Cicero, De Amicitia 17: 64 に引用: cf. a bisogni…). |
| amicus Plato, (amicus Socrates,) sed magis amica veritas (L) Plato is my friend, (Socrates is my friend,) but a greater friend is truth. (Aristotle に帰せられる: cf. Plato, Phaedon 91 C) |
| amicus usque ad aras (L: friend as far as the altars) a friend to the last extremity (⇒usque ad aras). |
| ami de cour (F: friend of the court) a court friend; a false friend (cf. 本文 amicus curiae). |
| amor vincit omnia (L) Love conquers all things. (cf. omnia vincit…) |
| anguis in herba (L: snake in the grass) unforeseen danger (cf. latet anguis…). |
| animal bipes implume (L) a two-legged animal without feathers (Plato の「人間」の定義のラテン語訳; cf. Plato, Politicus § 266; animal implume, bipes ともいう). |
| animis opibusque parati (L) prepared in spirits and wealth — Virgil, Aeneis 2: 799 (米国 South Carolina 州のモットーの一つ). |
| anno aetatis suae (L) in the… year of his [her] age. |
| anno post Christum natum (L) in the year after the birth of Christ (略 a.p.c.n.). |
| anno post Romam conditam (L) in the year after the building of Rome (753 b.c.) (略 a.p.r.c.; cf. anno urbis conditae). |
| annos vixit (L) He [She] lived (so many) years. (略 a.v.) |
| anno urbis conditae (L) in the year [from the time] of the founded city (=Rome) (cf. anno post Romam conditam). |
| annuit coeptis (L) He (=God) has smiled on (our) attempt. — Virgil, Georgica 1: 30 (米国の国璽(こくじ) (Great Seal) の裏のモットー). |
| anthrpos esti pneuma kai skia monon (Gk) Man is but a breath and a shadow. — Sophocles, Fragmenta 13. |
| aprs nous [moi] le dluge (F) After us [me] the deluge! (Rossbach の戦いでフランス軍がプロシア軍に敗れたとき, Mme. de Pompadour が Louis 十五世に言った言葉, また moi の形では Louis 15 世自身の言葉とも伝えられる; cf. 「後は野となれ山となれ」; Gk emou thanontos gaia mikhtht puri ‘when I am dead let earth be mingled with fire' (cf. Cicero, De Finibus 3: 19; Euripides)). |
| propos de bottes [rien] (F: with regard to boots [nothing]) irrelevantly (cf. 「薮(やぶ)から棒に」; 話題を変更する時に使う). |
| Arcades ambo (L: Arcadians both) two persons of like tastes [occupations]; 《戯言》 two rascals — Virgil, Eclogae 7: 4 (Corydon と Thyrsis のこと). |
| argent comptant porte mdicine (F) Cash money works wonderful cures. |
| a rivederci (It.) till we meet again (別れの挨拶). |
| arma virumque cano (L) Arms and the man I sing. — Virgil, Aeneis 1: 1. |
| arrectis auribus (L: with ears erect) attentively — Virgil, Aeneis 2: 303. |
| ars est celare artem (L) The (true) art is to conceal art. |
| ars gratia artis (L) art for art's sake. |
| ars longa, vita brevis (L) Art is long, life is short. (cf. L vita brevis ars longa — Seneca, De Brevitate Vitae 1: 1; Hippocrates の Gk ho bios brakhus, h de tekhn makr から; tekhn (=ars) はここでは「医術」を意味し, 従って原義は「医術の修得には多年を要し, 人生が短かすぎる」の意). |
| asbestos gels (Gk) unquenchable laughter — Homer, Ilias 1: 599 (cf. 本文 Homeric laughter). |
| asinus ad lyram (L: ass at the lyre) one unsuited to occupation; an awkward fellow — Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 3: 16 (cf. Gk onos pros luran). |
| at rejse er at leve (Dan.) To travel is to live. — Andersen. |
| au besoin l'on connat l'ami (F) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (cf. a bisogni…) |
| auctor pretiosa facit (L) The giver makes the gift precious. (cf. Ovid, Heroides 17: 71-72) |
| audentes fortuna juvat (L) Fortune favors the bold. — Virgil, Aeneis 10: 284. |
| au dernier les os (F: for the last, the bones) The last comer gets the bones. |
| audi alteram partem (L) Hear the other side. — St. Augustine, De Duabus Animabus 14: 22. |
| aujourd'hui roi, demain rien (F) Today a king, tomorrow nothing. |
| au pays [royaume] des aveugles les borgnes sont rois (F) In the country [kingdom] of the blind, the one-eyed men are kings. (cf. 「鳥なき里のこうもり」) |
| au pis aller (F) at the worst; as a last resort. |
| aurea mediocritas (L) the golden mediocrity [mean] (cf. Horace, Odae 2: 10: 5). |
| auribus teneo lupum (L) I hold a wolf by the ears. — Terence, Phormio 3: 2: 21 (ある事を手放しても保持しても苦境に陥ることを言う). |
| auri sacra fames (L) accursed hunger for gold — Virgil, Aeneis 3: 57. |
| auspicium melioris aevi (L) augury of a better age (St. Michael & St. George 勲爵士団のモットー). |
| autant d'hommes [de ttes], autant d'avis (F) So many men [heads], so many minds [opinions]. (cf. quot homines…) |
| aut Caesar aut nullus (L: either Caesar or nobody) All or nothing. |
| aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet (L) One ought to be born either a king or a fool. — Seneca, De Morte Claudii Caesaris. |
| autres temps, autres murs (F) Other times, other manners [customs]. |
| avec les hommages de l'auteur (F) with the author's compliments. |
| ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant (L) Hail, Emperor [Caesar]! Those who are about to die salute thee. — Suetonius, Claudius 21: 6 (古代ローマ闘士の言葉). |
| a vinculo matrimonii (L) from the bond of marriage (⇒本文 divorce a vinculo matrimonii). |
| a vostra salute! (It.) To your health! (乾杯の言葉; ⇒本文 votre sant!) |
| a vuestra salud! (Sp.) To your health! (乾杯の言葉; ↑) |