新英和大辞典 メニュー 


eau b´enite de cour (F: holy water of court) fair promises; empty words.
ecce agnus Dei (L) Behold, the lamb of God. — John 1: 29.
´ecrasez l'inf^ame! (F) Crush the infamous thing. (Voltaire が 1762 年 11 月 28 日付の A.M. d'Alembert への手紙で, 革命前のフランスの固陋(ころう)な体制派, カトリック教会に対してのべた言葉)
e flamma cibum petere (L: to seek food from the flames) to be reduced to the last extremity — Terence, Eunuchus 3: 2: 38.
ego sum rex Romanus et super grammaticam (L) I am the king of the Romans and am superior to grammar. (ラテン語の誤りを正そうとした枢機卿に対する皇帝 Sigismund の言葉)
eheu! fugaces labuntur anni (L) Alas! the fleeting years slip away. — Horace, Odae 2: 14: 1.
emollit mores, nec sinit esse feros (L) (Learning) softens manners, and does not permit men to be rude. — Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto 2: 9: 48.
en cueros (vivos) (Sp.: in the (living) skin) naked; without clothing (時に, en cuerpo (Sp.) ‘in close-fitting dress' を誤用でこの意味に用いることがある).
ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (L) with the sword she seeks peaceful repose under liberty (Algernon Sidney (1622-83) の作に帰せられる; 米国 Massachusettes 州のモットー).
e pluribus unum (L) one out of many (1956年以前の米国のモットー).
eppur si muove (It.) And yet it does move. (地動説を撤回した際の Galileo の言葉と伝えられる)
epulis accumbere divum (L) to sit at banquets of the gods — Virgil, Aeneis 1: 79.
e re nata (L) according to the circumstances; as matters are — Terence, Adelphi 3: 1: 8.
errare est humanum (L) =humanum est errare.
errare malo cum Platone (L) I choose rather to err with Plato.
esse est percipi (L) To be is to be perceived. (Berkley 哲学の基本原理)
esse quam videri (L) to be rather than to seem (米国 North Carolina 州のモットー).
est modus in rebus (L) There is a middle course in all things. — Horace, Satirae 1: 1: 106.
esto perpetua (L) Be thou lasting. (故郷 Venice を想う Paolo Sarpi 教父の臨終の言葉といわれる; 米国 Idaho 州のモットー)
et hoc [id] genus omne (L) and all [this] kind (of thing).
et in Arcadia ego (L) I too (lived) in Arcadia; I, too, know all about it. (「Arcadia の羊飼い」という Poussin の絵の中の墓碑銘)
et sic de ceteris [similibus] (L) and so of the rest [the like].
et tu, Brute! (L) And you too, Brutus. (暗殺者の中に Brutus を認めた Caesar の最後の言葉とされる; cf. The True Tragedie of Richard Duke of York (1595); Shak. Caesar 3: 1: 77)
eventus stultorum magister (L: the result is the schoolmaster of fools) Fools must be taught by experience. (cf. experientia docet stultos)
ex Africa semper aliquid novi (L) always something new out of Africa — Pliny (the Elder), Naturalis Historia 8: 17: 42.
excelsior (L: higher) ever upward (米国 New York 州のモットー).
exceptio probat regulam (L) The exception proves the rule. (本来は, この後に in casibus non exceptis が続き, 「例外は例外でない場合の規則を確認する」だが, 「例外があることは規則のある証拠」の意で用いられることが多い)
exegi monumentum aere perennius (L) I have reared a monument more lasting than bronze. — Horace, Odae 3: 30: 1.
ex fructu arbor agnoscitur (L) The tree is known by its fruits. — Matt. 12: 33.
exitus acta probat (L) The result justifies the deed. — Ovid, Heroides 2: 85.
ex nihilo nihil fit (L) Out of nothing nothing comes. (cf. Lucretius, De Rerum Natura 1: 149; 2: 287; ⇒本文 ex nihilo; cf. de nihilo…)
ex pede Herculem (L: from the foot (we may know) Hercules) the whole from the part shown (Pythagoras が Hercules の背丈をその足の大きさから推し量ったとの言い伝えから; cf. ex ungue…).
experientia docet stultos (L) Experience teaches fools. (cf. eventus stultorum…)
experto credite [crede] (L) Trust one who has had experience. — Virgil, Aeneis 11: 283.
expertus metuit (L: having had experience, he dreads it) A burnt child dreads the fire. — Horace, Epistulae 1: 18: 87 (cf. 「羹(あつもの)に懲りて膾(なます)を吹く」).
ex tempore (L) on the spur of the moment; according to circumstances — Cicero, De Oratore 3: 50: 194 (⇒本文 extempore).
extinctus amabitur idem (L) This same man (abused when alive) will be loved after his death. — Horace, Epistulae 2: 1: 14.
ex ungue leonem (L: from the claw (we may judge of) the lion) We may judge of the whole from a part. (Alcaeus などに帰されるギリシャの諺: eks onukh ̄on leonta; cf. ex pede…)
ex uno disce omnes (L) =ab uno disce omnes.

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