新英和大辞典 メニュー 


jam proximus ardet Ucalegon (L) Already the neighboring Ucalegon('s house) blazes. — Virgil, Aeneis 2: 311.
jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna (L) Now the Virgin and the Saturnian [Golden] age return. — Virgil, Eclogae 4: 6.
jam satis(, ohe!) (L) Enough now of this(, stop!).
januis clausis (L: with closed doors) in secret.
jeu de mains (F) a practical joke; a horseplay.
joci causa (L) for the joke.
judex damnatur cum [ubi] nocens absolvitur (L) The judge is condemned when the guilty man is acquitted. — Publilius Syrus.
judicium parium aut leges terrae (L) the judgment of (one's) peers or the laws of the land — Magna Charta Ch. 39.
jure divino (L) by divine law.
jure humano (L) by human law.
juris utriusque doctor (L) a doctor of both (i.e.canon and civil) laws (略 J.U.D.; cf. doctor utriusque legis).
jus et norma loquendi (L) the law and rule of speech — Horace, Ars Poetica 72.
jus summum saepe summa malitia est (L) Extreme law is often extreme wrong. — Terence, Heauton Timorumenos 4: 5: 48 (cf. summum jus…).
juste milieu (F) the golden mean.
justitia omnibus (L) justice for all (米国 Washington, D.C. のモットー).
justum et tenacem propositi virum (L) a man who is upright and tenacious of his purpose — Horace, Odae 3: 3: 1.
j'y suis, j'y reste (F) Here I am, here I stay. (1855 年, Crimea 戦争で Malakoff の要塞を放棄するように勧められた時の MacMahon の言葉)

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