新英和大辞典 メニュー 


labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum (L) It (=The stream) glides on, and will glide on for ever. — Horace, Epistulae 1: 2: 43.
laborare est orare (L) To labor is to pray.
labor ipse voluptas (L) Labor itself is a pleasure.
labor omnia vincit (L) Labor overcomes all (difficulties). — Virgil, Georgica 1: 145 (米国 Oklahoma 州のモットー).
laborum dulce lenimen (L) the sweet solace of labors — Horace, Odae 1: 32: 14 (lyre を指す).
la donna `e mobile (It.) Woman is fickle.
la fortune passe partout (F) Fortune passes everywhere. (「人生の起伏は誰にもある」の意)
l'amour et la fum´ee ne peuvent se cacher (F) Love and smoke cannot be hidden.
la patience est am`ere mais son fruit est doux (F) Patience is bitter, but its reward is sweet. — Rousseau.
lapis philosophorum (L) the philosophers' stone.
la povert`a `e la madre di tutte le arti (It.) Poverty is the mother of all the arts.
l'app´etit vient en mangeant (F) Appetite comes with eating — Rabelais, Gargantua Ch. 5. (「持てば持つほど欲が深くなる」の意).
la propri´et´e c'est le vol (F) Property is theft. — Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Qu'est-ce que la Propri´et´e.
lapsus calami [linguae, memoriae] (L) a slip of the pen [tongue, memory].
lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate (It.) Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. — Dante, Inferno 3: 9 (地獄への門の上にある銘).
lateat scintillula forsan (L) Perhaps a little spark (of life) may lie concealed. (王立投身者救助会 (the Royal Humane Society) のモットー)
latet anguis in herba (L) A snake lies hidden in the grass. — Virgil, Eclogae 3: 93 (花や苺を摘む者たちへの警告の言葉).
lathe bi ̄osas (Gk) Remain hidden in life. — Epicurus (Plutarch に引用: cf. bene vixit…)
laudator temporis acti (L) one who praises past times — Horace, Ars Poetica 173.
leben sie wohl! (G) Farewell!
lector benevole (L) kind reader!
leges mori serviunt (L) Laws are subservient to custom. — Plautus, Trinummus 4: 3: 36.
le grand Monarque (F) the Great Monarch (Louis 十四世のこと).
le monde est le livre des femmes (F) The world is women's book. — Rousseau, ´Emile 5.
le roi est mort, vive le roi (F) The king is dead, long live the (new) king [his successor]!
les absents out toujours tort (F) The absent are always in the wrong. (cf. N´ericault-Destouches, L'Obstacle impr´evu 1: 6)
les murailles ont des oreilles (F) Walls have ears. (cf. 「壁に耳あり, 障子に目あり」)
le style est l'homme (m^eme) (F) The style is the man himself. (1753 年 8 月 25 日 Academy での Buffon の演説から; 通例 le style c'est l'homme という)
l'´etat, c'est moi (F) The state, it is I. (Louis 十四世の言葉)
le vrai n'est pas toujours vraisemblable (F) Truth does not always seem probable. (「事実は小説より奇なり」の意)
lex non scripta (L: unwritten law) common law.
lex scripta (L: written law) statute law.
l'homme n'est qu'un roseau, le plus faible de la nature; mais c'est un roseau pensant (F) Man is only a reed, the feeblest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed. — Pascal, Les Pens´ees 6: 347.
l'homme propose, et Dieu dispose (F) Man proposes, but God disposes; when Heaven appoints man must obey.
licentia vatum (L) the license allowed to poets; poetical license.
limae labor et mora (L: the labor and delay of the file) the slow and laborious polish of a literary work — Horace, Ars Poetica 291.
limbus fatuorum [infantum] (L) the paradise of fools [children].
litem lite resolvere (L) to settle strife by strife, to end one controversy by another — Horace, Satirae 2: 3: 103.
lit(t)era scripta manet (L) The written word remains.
locus communis (L: commonplace) a place of the dead; a public place; (通例, 複数形 loci communes で) general arguments.
longissimus dies cito conditur (L) The longest day quickly comes to an end. — Pliny (the Younger), Epistulae 9: 36: 4.
lucidus ordo (L) clearness of order; a perspicuous arrangement — Horace, Ars Poetica 41.
l'union fait la force (F) Union makes strength. (ベルギーのモットー)
lupus (est) homo homini (L) Man is a wolf to his fellow man. — Plautus, Trinummus 2: 4: 46 (cf. homo homini lupus).
lupus in fabula (L: wolf in the fable) Talk of the devil and he will appear. — Terence, Adelphi 4: 1: 21 (噂をすると姿を現わした昔話の中の狼から).
lux in tenebris (L) light in darkness — John 1: 5.

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