新英和中辞典 メニュー 

+ plus
− minus
× multiplied by, times
÷ divided by
= equals
≠ does not equal
± plus or minus
< is less than
> is greater than
1/2 a half, one half
2/3 two thirds
1/4 a quarter
7 2/5 seven and two fifths
215/329 two hundred (and) fifteen over three hundred (and) twenty-nine
0.314 zero point three one four
√9 the square root of 9
3√9 the cube root of 9
x2 x squared
x3 x cubed
xn x to the power of n; x to the nth power
3′ three feet; three minutes
3″ three inches; three seconds
50°C fifty degrees centigrade [Celsius]
90°F ninety degrees Fahrenheit
10% ten percent
£ pound(s)
¢ cent(s)
$, $ dollar(s)
ユーロ記号 euro(s)
\, ¥, Y yen
@ at
マルC記号 copyrighted
マルR記号 registered trademark
& (ampersand) and
&c. et cetera
# number
. period, full stop
, comma
; semicolon
: colon
' apostrophe
- hyphen
— dash
〜 swung dash
? question mark
! exclamation mark [《米》 point]
‘ ' single quotation marks
“ ” double quotation marks
( ) parentheses
[ ] square brackets
〈 〉 angle brackets
{ } braces
/ slash, virgule, slant
… ellipsis, suspension points
* asterisk, star
† dagger
‡ double dagger
§ section mark
‖ parallels
¶ paragraph
指記号 index, fist
∴ therefore
∵ because
´ acute accent
` grave accent
^ circumflex
¨ diaeresis
cedilla cedilla
~ tilde
 ̄ macron
〃 ditto marks

研究社Online Dictionary © Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. 2004.