V‰p˜a’†Ž«“T@ƒƒjƒ…[ ‘O€‚Ö@ ŽŸ€‚Ö

*ab¥stract /Maebstr´aekt | ´]]/”­‰¹ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“
„ª[Œ`] (more `; most `)
(1) (”äŠr‚È‚µ) ’ŠÛ“I‚È (←→concrete)
¥⇒abstract noun.
(2) —˜_“I‚È (theoretical); ŠÏ”O“I‚È.
(3) y”üz ’ŠÛ”h‚Ì, ƒAƒuƒXƒgƒ‰ƒNƒg‚Ì (←→representational)
¥abstract art ’ŠÛ”üp.
(4) “‚¢, “ï‰ð‚È.
„ª/´aebstraekt/”­‰¹ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“ [–¼]
(1) [C] “E—v, —v–ñ (summary)
¥make an abstract of a book ‘•¨‚Ì“E—v‚ðì‚é.
(2)a [U] [the `] ’ŠÛ, ’ŠÛ“IŽvl.
b [U,C] yӟz abstraction 3.
in the ´abstract ’ŠÛ“I‚È[‚É].
´abstract of t´itle y–@z Œ Œ´—v–ñ‘s“y’n‚ÌŠ—LŒ ¥Žg—pŒ ‚ɶ‚¶‚½•Ï“®‚ð—v–ñ‚µ‚½‘—Þt.
„ª/aebstr´aekt, schwab-/”­‰¹ƒ{ƒ^ƒ“ [“®][‘¼]
(1) q‚à‚Ì‚ðrk…‚©‚çlŽæ‚èo‚·, ’Šo‚·‚é; ’ŠÛ‚·‚é
¥abstract an essence from the bark of a tree Ž÷”ç‚©‚çƒGƒLƒX‚ð’Šo‚·‚é
¥A taxonomist abstracts common features from different species. •ª—ÞŠwŽÒ‚Í‚³‚Ü‚´‚Ü‚ÈŽí‚©‚狤’Ê‚Ì“Á’¥‚ðŽæ‚èo‚·.
(2) s›U‹Èt q‚à‚Ì‚ðrk…‚©‚çl”²‚«Žæ‚é, “‚Þ
¥In the crowd a thief abstracted my wallet from my pocket. ‚»‚Ìlž‚Ý‚Ì’†‚Å‚·‚肪Ž„‚̃|ƒPƒbƒg‚©‚çà•z‚𔲂«Žæ‚Á‚½.
(3) /´]]/ —v–ñ‚·‚é (summarize).
abstr´act onesMelf ˆø‚«‚±‚à‚é; ˆø‚Áž‚Þ.
`¥ness [–¼]
[L…‚©‚çˆø‚«o‚·qABS-+trahere, tract- ˆø‚Á‚Ï‚é (cf. tract1)]
([–¼] abstraction)

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