新和英大辞典第5版 メニュー 

・インドシナ戦争 The Indochina War, which ended French control over the region. Vietnam was divided in two.
・大韓民国と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の成立 The Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) were established.
・イスラエル建国をきっかけにパレスチナ戦争(第一次中東戦争)勃発 (-49) The State of Israel was proclaimed, drawing an attack from the Arab League (the First Middle East War).
・インドのガンジー暗殺 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.
・国連人権宣言 The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
・アイルランド, アイルランド共和国となり英連邦離脱 Ireland (Eire) proclaimed itself the Republic of Ireland and left the British Commonwealth.
・NATO 成立 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded.
・東西ドイツ成立 The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) were formed.
・コスタリカ, 常備軍を廃止する憲法を制定 Costa Rica adopted a constitution prohibiting a standing army.
・中華人民共和国の成立 The People's Republic of China was proclaimed with Mao Zedong as its chairman (主席). The Kuomintang government fled to Taiwan.
・中国, チベットを占領 China occupied Tibet.
・朝鮮戦争 The Korean War. The Armistice of Panmunjom (板門店) divided the Korean Peninsula at the 38th parallel (38 度線).
・ワルシャワ条約機構成立 The Warsaw Treaty Organization was founded (-91) under the Warsaw Pact.
・ラッセル・アインシュタイン宣言 The Russell-Einstein Manifesto called for a meeting of scientists to discuss nuclear disarmament.
・ハンガリー動乱 The Hungarian Uprising.
・スエズ動乱(第二次中東戦争) (-57) The Suez Crisis (the Second Middle East War). Israel attacked Egypt, whose President Nasser (ナセル) had announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal.
・パグウォッシュ会議 The first Pugwash Conference was held.
・キューバ革命 The Cuban Revolution. Fidel Castro (カストロ) took control of the government.
・アフリカの年 The Year of Africa. Seventeen African nations became independent.
・ベルリンの壁建設 The Berlin Wall was erected.
・キューバ危機 The Cuban Missile Crisis.
・ケネディー大統領暗殺 The assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
・部分的核実験禁止条約調印 The Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) was signed by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. Of the nuclear powers, France and China did not sign.
・アメリカ, 北ベトナム空爆を開始し, ベトナム戦争本格化 The United States began air raids on North Vietnam. The Vietnam War escalated.
・文化大革命 The Great Cultural Revolution in China.
・第三次中東戦争(六日戦争) The Third Middle East War (the Six Day War). Israel defeated the Arab countries in six days.
・EC 発足 The European Community (EC) was established.
・プラハの春 The Prague Spring liberalization movement was crushed by Warsaw Pact forces.
・核拡散防止条約調印 The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed by nuclear and non-nuclear countries.
・印パ戦争 The India-Pakistan War
・第四次中東戦争 The Fourth Middle East War (the Yom Kippur War). Arab countries attacked Israel.
・石油危機 The First Oil Crisis.
・スリーマイル島原発事故 The Three Mile Island nuclear accident.
・イラン革命 The Iranian Revolution. Ayatollah Khomeini (ホメイニ) became ruler of the new Islamic republic.
・第 2 次石油危機 The Second Oil Crisis.
・ソ連のアフガニスタン侵攻(-88) The Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, remaining there until 1988.
・イラン・イラク戦争勃発 (-88) The Iran-Iraq War.
・フランスで社会党のミッテラン大統領に Francois Mitterrand became the first socialist president of France.
・ベラウで非核憲法採択 A nuclear-free constitution was adopted in Belau.
・ソ連でゴルバチョフが書記長に Michael Gorbachev became the general secretary of the Soviet Union. He would embark on drastic reforms under the slogans of perestroika (ペレストロイカ=改革) and glasnost (グラスノスチ=情報公開).
・フィリピンでマルコス大統領失脚し, アキノ大統領就任 “People Power” in the Philippines brought about the downfall of President Ferdinand Marcos. Corazon Aquino became president.
・チェルノブイリ原発事故 The Chernobyl nuclear accident.
・オゾン層破壊防止に向けてモントリオール議定書が採択される Adoption of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
・ビルマに軍事政権成立 A military regime was established in Burma.
・パレスチナ解放機構 (PLO), パレスチナ国家の独立を宣言 The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) proclaimed the State of Palestine.
・ビルマ, 国名をミャンマー連邦に. アウン・サン・スー・チーを自宅軟禁 (-95) Burma was renamed Myanmar by the military regime. The opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest.
・天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square massacre.
・ベルリンの壁崩壊 The fall of the Berlin Wall.
・ルーマニア革命 The Romanian Revolution. A popular uprising led to the execution of the ruler, Nicolae Ceausescu (チャウシェスク), in one of the most dramatic developments in the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe.
・イラク軍のクウェート侵攻により湾岸戦争勃発 (-91) Iraq's invasion of Kuwait triggered the first Gulf War. Multinational forces (多国籍軍) attacked Iraq and forced the Iraqis out of Kuwait.
・ドイツ再統一 The reunification of Germany.
・南アフリカでマンデラ釈放. アパルトヘイト廃止へ In South Africa, Nelson Mandela was released after twenty-seven years in prison. The ban on opposition activities was lifted. The repeal of apartheid would be completed by 1994.

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