新和英大辞典第5版 メニュー 

・ソマリア内戦状態に The Somalian government was overthrown and the country fell into civil war. The United Nations and multinational forces led by the United States intervened but were forced to withdraw by 1995.
・イラク北部でクルド人蜂起 A Kurdish Revolt in northern Iraq was crushed.
・バルト三国, ソ連から独立 Baltic states were granted independence from the Soviet Union.
・ソ連解体, 独立国家共同体の成立 The Soviet Union was dissolved with the resignation of President Gorbachev. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was formed.
・ワルシャワ条約機構解体 The Warsaw Pact was officially ended.
・ユーゴスラヴィアからクロアチア, スロヴェニアが独立宣言 Croatia and Slovenia each declared independence from Yugoslavia.
・カンボジアの 4 派によるパリ和平協定調印 Cambodia's rival factions signed a peace accord in Paris. Norodom Sihanouk (シアヌーク) would be reinstated as king in 1993.
・ユーゴスラヴィアのボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナがマケドニアに続いて独立宣言 Bosnia and Herzegovina, following Macedonia, declared independence from Yugoslavia. Ethnic conflicts between Muslims, Serbs, and Croats escalated into war.
・ユーゴスラヴィア連邦共和国(新ユーゴ)成立 The remaining two republics of the former Yugoslavia formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
・EU 発足 The European Union (EU) was established.
・イスラエルと PLO, パレスチナ暫定自治で合意 The Oslo Agreement (オスロ合意) on interim self-government for Palestine were signed by Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
・北アイルランド和平へ向けた共同宣言 The British and Irish governments issued a joint declaration on a ceasefire in Northern Ireland.
・ロシア, チェチェンに侵攻 Russia invaded Chechnya, which had been demanding independence.
・ルワンダ内戦激化 Ethnic conflicts between the Hutu (フツ族) and Tutsi (ツチ族) in Rwanda escalated into mass killings.
・気候変動枠組み条約第一回締約国会議が開催 The first conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-1) was held.
・NATO によるボスニア空爆 NATO launched air strikes on Serbian targets in Bosnia.
・ボスニア和平成立 Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia signed the Dayton Peace Accords (デイトン合意).
・ユーゴスラヴィアのコソヴォで武闘民族集団が活動開始 Albanian militants began attacking Serbian policemen in Kosovo, an autonomous province of Serbia.
・包括的核実験禁止条約署名 The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was signed by countries that included several nuclear powers.
・北アイルランド和平合意 The British and Irish governments and relevant political parties reached the Belfast Agreement (ベルファースト合意), under which the Northern Ireland Executive was established the next year.
・コソヴォで戦争状態 Serbian police atrocities precipitated a guerrilla war in Kosovo.
・EU 諸国が共通通貨ユーロ導入 A unified currency, the euro, was adopted by most EU members.
・NATO 軍のユーゴ空爆 NATO launched airstrikes on Yugoslavia and forced the Yugoslavs to withdraw from Kosovo.
・ロシア軍のチェチェン空爆 Russia launched air raids on Grozny (グロズヌイ), Chechnya.
・ユーゴ大統領選挙でミロシェヴィッチ敗れる Slobodan Milosevic lost the presidential election in Yugoslavia.
・パレスチナで民衆とイスラエル治安部隊の衝突 Palestinians clashed with Israeli soldiers. Suicide bombings and retaliations ensued.
・フィリピンでエストラーダ大統領失脚し, アロヨ大統領誕生 “People Power II” brought about the downfall of President Joseph Estrada in the Philippines. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo became president.
・アイルランド共和軍 (IRA) の武装解除開始 The Irish Republican Army began to decommission its weapons.
・米国でハイジャック機による同時多発テロ On September 11, terror attacks were launched simultaneously with hijacked airliners against the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon outside Washington.
・米英によるアフガニスタン空爆開始 American and British forces launched airstrikes against Taliban (タリバン) and Al Qaeda (アルカイダ) targets in Afghanistan.
・イスラエル, アラファト議長と断交 Israel cut off all contacts with Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat as the Oslo Agreements collapsed.
・アフガニスタンでタリバン政権崩壊 The Taliban regime collapsed in Afghanistan and Hamid Karzai (カルザイ) became president.
・東ティモール独立し, 国連加盟国 191 に East Timor became an independent country, bringing the number of United Nations members to 191.
・北アイルランド自治政府, 何度めかの機能凍結 The UK government again suspended the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Executive.
・セルビア・モンテネグロ成立 The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was reorganized as a loose federation of Serbia and Montenegro.
・パレスチナ自治政府, 首相職を新設 Yasser Arafat appointed a prime minister to share some of his power.
・イラク戦争 Iraq was invaded by the US and the UK and its government was overthrown.
・イスラエルとパレスチナ, 国際社会が提示した行程表に基づく和平構築に合意 Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers agreed to start a peace process based on the road map proposed by international society.

*上記では英語部分は普通の英文を用いたが, 箇条書き的な年表では次のような文体をしばしば用いている.
・現在形の使用 ○織田信長, 武田勝頼の騎馬隊を破る. Oda Nobunaga defeats the cavalry of Takeda Katsuyori.
・受動態の be 動詞の省略 ○徳川家康, 将軍に任命される. Tokugawa Ieyasu appointed shogun.
・名詞構文の利用 ○鎌倉幕府の滅亡 The fall of the Kamakura shogunate.

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