新和英大辞典第5版 メニュー 

手紙の宛名・呼びかけ・結尾語 (Forms of Address)
公式または半公式的な場合に使用される封筒の宛名, 本文の呼びかけ, 結尾敬語を示したもの.

・Dignitary Being Addressed
宛名 Address on letter and envelope
呼びかけ Salutation
結尾敬語 Complimentary Close

・英国国王 (King [Queen] of England)
宛名 The King's Most Excellent [The Queen's Most Gracious] Majesty
   Buckingham Palace, London
呼びかけ Sire: (formal)
     May it please Your Majesty: (less formal)
結尾敬語 I have the honour to remain Your Majesty's most obedient servant,

・皇子 (The Royal Prince [Princess] of England)
宛名 The Most Noble Highness Prince Phillip
   Buckingham Palace, London
呼びかけ Royal Highness: (formal)
     (May it please) Your Highness: (less formal)
結尾敬語 I have the honour to be faithful to Your Highness,

宛名 The Right Honorable Lord (name)
呼びかけ Your Lordship: (formal)
     My Lord: (less formal)
結尾敬語 Very respectfully yours,

・英国総理大臣 (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
宛名 The Prime Minister
   10 Downing Street, London
呼びかけ Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     My dear Mr. [Madam] Prime Minister: (less formal)
結尾敬語 Very respectfully yours,

・米国大統領 (President of the United States)
宛名 The President
   The White House
   1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
   Washington, D.C. 20500
呼びかけ Dear Mr. [Madam] President:
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・米国国務長官 (Secretary of State)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   Secretary of State
   US Department of State 2201 C street NW
   Washington, D.C. 20520
呼びかけ Dear Mr. [Madam] Secretary:
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・米国上院議員 (Senator of the United States)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   United States Senate
   Washington, D.C. 20510
呼びかけ Dear Senator (last name)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・米国下院議員 (Congressman)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   House of Representatives
   Washington, D.C. 20515
呼びかけ Dear Mr. [Ms.] (last name)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・駐在米国大[公]使 (US Ambassador or Consul)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   United States Ambassador [Consul]
   Tokyo, Japan
呼びかけ Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     Dear Mr. [Madam] Ambassador [Consul]: (less formal)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・駐日外国大[公]使 (Foreign Ambassador or Consul)
宛名 His [Her] Excellency [The Honorable] (full name)
   Ambassador [Consul] of—
   Tokyo, Japan
呼びかけ Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     Dear Mr. [Madam] Ambassador [Consul]: (less formal)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・米国大審院判事 (Justice of Supreme Court of the United States)
宛名 Mr. [Madam] Justice (last name)
   The Supreme Court of the United States
   Washington, D.C. 20543
呼びかけ Dear Justice (last name)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・米国州知事 (Governor of a State)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   Governor of—
呼びかけ Dear Governor (last name)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・市長 (Mayor)
宛名 The Honorable (full name)
   Mayor of—
呼びかけ Dear Mayor (last name)
結尾敬語 Very truly yours,

・カトリック大司教 (Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church)
宛名 His Eminence (first name) Cardinal (last name)
   (Archbishop of—)
呼びかけ Your Eminence: (formal)
     Dear Cardinal (last name): (less formal)
結尾敬語 Respectfully yours,

・メソジスト監督 (Bishop of the Methodist Church)
宛名 The Reverend (full name)
   Methodist Bishop
呼びかけ Reverend Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     Dear Bishop (last name): (less formal)
結尾敬語 Respectfully yours,

・新教主教 (Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church)
宛名 The Right Reverend (full name)
   Bishop of—
呼びかけ Right Reverend Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     Dear Bishop (name): (less formal)
結尾敬語 Respectfully yours,

・カトリック司教 (Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church)
宛名 The Most Reverend (full name)
   Bishop of—
呼びかけ Your Excellency: (formal)
     Dear Bishop (last name): (less formal)
結尾敬語 Respectfully yours,

・新教牧師 (Protestant clergyman)
宛名 The Reverend (Dr.) (full name)
呼びかけ Dear Sir [Madam]: (formal)
     Dear Mr. [Dr., Ms.] (last name): (less formal)
結尾敬語 Sincerely yours,

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