新和英大辞典第5版 メニュー 前項へ  次項へ

ああ3 外字(aa)
〔あのように〕 like that. [⇒ああいう]
●ああまで有名とは知らなかった. I did not know he was 「so [that] famous.
ああは言うものの, 彼はやはり息子がかわいいのだ. He does love his son in spite of what he says. | That's what he says, but he loves his son 「all the same [in spite of that].
ああなったのも自業自得さ. He brought that on himself. | He has only himself to blame for that. | It's his own fault that it turned out that way.
ああしてこうしてと段取りを立てた. I worked out the arrangements, coming up with and rejecting one idea after another.
・当時はああするより方法がなかったのだ. At that time we had 「no alternative [no choice but to do as we did]. | At that time there was 「no other solution [no other way of doing it].
・若い者はとかくああしたものさ. That's the way young people are.
●ああ言えばこう言う人なんだから, 君は. You always contradict me. | You 「pick me up on [find fault with] everything I say. | Whatever I say, you say the opposite.
●彼はああだこうだと文句ばかり言って, 全然手伝わない. He does nothing but complain about this, that and the other, and doesn't 「help [give us any help] at all.
・みんなでお互いの作品をああだこうだと批評しあった. We all put forward a variety of comments on each other's work.
●会議はああでもないこうでもないで, 結局何も決まらなかった. One proposal after another was discussed and rejected, and the meeting 「ended up deciding nothing [ended up not coming to any conclusion].
・あの男はああでもないこうでもないと難しい男だ. (He never seems to be satisfied.) He is a very 「hard [difficult] man to please.

研究社Online Dictionary © Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. 2004.
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