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Quick Guide for Foreign Customers
The KOD is accessible from all over the world, though the subscription pages are currently available only in Japanese. Subscription steps are as follows.
Step 1. Select Course
個人スタンダード会員 Private Member: Standard (pre-selected)※1, ※2
個人アドバンスト会員 Private Member: Advanced※2
法人会員 Corporate Member※2
オプション辞典 Optional extras※2

※1 Standard members can access the following titles only.
  • リーダーズ英和辞典(Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary for the General Reader)
  • リーダーズ・プラス(An Encylopaedic Supplement to the Dictionary for the General Reader)
  • 新英和大辞典(Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary)
  • 新和英大辞典(Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary)
  • 新英和中辞典(Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary)
  • 新和英中辞典(Kenkyusha's New College Japanese-English Dictionary)
  • コンパスローズ英和辞典(Compass Rose English-Japanese Dictionary)
  • コンパスローズ和英ライティング辞典(Compass Rose Dictionary for Practical Writing in English)
  • ルミナス和英辞典(Luminous Japanese-English Dictionary)
  • カタカナで引くスペリング辞典
  • ※2 For the fee, please see here (Japanese page).
    Step 2. Agreement to "Small Prints"
    Select "同意する" (I Agree) here.
    Step 3. User Information
    Enter following items.

    会員ID (Member ID)
    *Enter any username you would like to use up to 20 alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive).

    氏名:漢字 (Name in kanji): 姓 (Surname) 名(Forename)
    *Non-Japanese customers can type in English or in katakana here.


    氏名:ひらがな(Name in hiragana): 姓 (Surname) 名(Forename)
    *Sorry, this is yet mandatory. No hyphens or dots here. No katakana, either. Those who has "ヴ" in their names are requested to render it as "う" in this field (not う゛).

    *If you have no idea how to render your name in Japanese, send email to the kod support kodATkenkyusha.co.jp and we will send you some suggestions.

    生年月日(Date of Birth) *optional

    性別(Sex) *optional

    郵便番号(Zip Code)

    *Overseas residents are asked to select "その他" (others) at the bottom of the list.


    番地(Street Address)

    建物名(Building Name) *optional

    電話番号(Phone Number)

    メールアドレス(Email Address)

    メールアドレス確認(Reenter Email Address)

    研究社からの各種ご案内をお送りしてもよろしいですか? (Would you like to receive product and other information from Kenkyusha?)

    Possible Error Messages:
    会員IDに誤りがあります。There is an error in Member ID.
    姓に誤りがあります。There is an error in Surname.
    姓の読みに誤りがあります。There is an error in Surname in hiragana.
    名に誤りがあります。There is an error in Forename.
    名の読みに誤りがあります。There is an error in Forename in hiragana.
    郵便番号に誤りがあります。There is an error in Zip Code.
    都道府県に誤りがあります。There is an error in Prefecture.
    市区町村に誤りがあります。There is an error in City.
    番地に誤りがあります。Thre is an error in Street Address.
    電話番号に誤りがあります。There is an error in Phone Number.
    メールアドレスに誤りがあります。There is an error in Email Address
    メールアドレスと確認用メールアドレスが違います。The reentered email address does not match the one entered before.

    Step 4 Confirmation
    Step 5 Email Notification of Tentative Registration
    You will receive an email notifying the acceptance of your application.
    Click the URL shown in the email to proceed to the next step.

    If the procedure fails for some reason and you access the URL for a second time, there will be a warning as "お支払い情報は登録されております。..." This simply means steps 6 through 8 are completed. Click on "決済処理へ" to proceed.

    Step 6 Select Contract Type
    ご契約期間(Subscription Term)
    1か月(one month)
    6か月(six months)
    1年(one year)

    お支払い方法(Payment Method)
    クレジットカード(Credit Card) *Overseas residents are asked to select this.
    銀行振込(Bank Transfer) *Only in Japan.
    Step 7 最終確認 (Final Confirmation)
    You can Submit (決定) or Edit (編集) your subscription.
    Step 8 Registration Completed
    Now to the payment page.
    Click on "決済処理へ" button.
    There will be a notification that you are about to be referred to a page maintained by Zeus, credit payment service company. Press "決済ページへ" button to continue.

    On the "Purchase Info" page, enter the followings:

    希望金額(Money Select) : *pre-entered.
    電話番号(Phone Number):
    氏名(Name): *Enter as shown on the card.
    電子メール(Your E-Mail):
    カード番号(Card Number):
    カード有効期限(EXP): (月) Month (年)Year

    Be sure you press the Submit button ONLY ONCE.

    When all steps are completed, you will receive an email. Your ID and password are stated there. You can change your password at the member page.

    Subscribe Now!


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    研究社Online Dictionary © Kenkyusha Ltd. 2004-2024. 研究社ホームページ